Welcome to Carb0n.fi: We'll reward you to become carbon-neutral!

Carb0n.fi is a Singapore-based, blockchain solution funded by Antler.co, Owl Ventures, Blockseed Ventures, Lancer Capital, which mints Carbon Credits NFTs from high-quality, accredited carbon offset projects and provides them to its users alongside the native token $ZRO, to seamlessly reduce their carbon footprint.

Carb0n.fi’s vision is to incentivize global stakeholders to participate in achieving carbon neutrality and to democratize access to carbon markets for carbon credit stakeholders in ASEAN. The project is led by a team of experts in commodity trading, sustainability, blockchain marketing & community building, as well as full-stack blockchain development.

Carb0n.fi introduction in less than 2 minutes


Carb0n.fi key information

⏩ Our contract address on Polygon is 0x6acda5e7eb1117733dc7cb6158fc67f226b32022 ⏩ You can check our contract on PolygonScan here ⏩ The DEX listing happened on SushiSwap and you can trade MATIC/ZRO here ⏩ You can check the price of MATIC/ZRO here ⏩ You can stake SLP Tokens from SushiSwap here ⏩ Listed on CoinMarketCap ⏩ Listed on CoinGecko ⏩ Listed on Nomics

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“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

— R. Buckminster Fuller

Table of Contents

[Carb0n.fi One-Pager](https://carb0nfi.notion.site/Carb0n-fi-One-Pager-1373047a930c4fad9a0446564132d044)

1. Introduction

1.1 Foreword

1.2 Carbon democracy

1.3 Why blockchain?

2. The Environment

2.1 Why now?

2.2 What are carbon credits?

2.3 Why should we care?

3. The Problem

3.1 Carbon credit problems

3.2 Push Factors for Blockchain towards Climate Positivity

3.3 Our special angle

4. The Carb0n.fi Solution

4.1 Our value proposal

4.2 More about our solution

4.3 Technical details

5. Tokenomics

5.1 The $ZRO Token

5.2 Details of the tokenomics

5.3 Whitelists

[6. Carb0n.fi Ecosystem](https://carb0nfi.notion.site/6-Carb0n-fi-Ecosystem-83c7efe952bc415fb81a17db0d73c893)

6.1 Ecosystem overview

6.2 Our offset projects

6.3 Project Roadmap

7. Marketing

7.1 Marketing roadmap

7.2 Key marketing pillars

7.3 Key strategic partnerships

8. Annex

8.1 Team

8.2 Investors

8.3 Disclaimer