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If any court or competent authority finds that any provision of these terms and conditions (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part-provision will, to the extent required, be deemed to be deleted and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of these terms and conditions will not be affected.

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We will not be liable to you in respect of any losses arising out of events beyond our reasonable control.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, accepts no liability for any of the following:

a) any business losses, such as loss of profits, income, revenue, anticipated savings, business, contracts, goodwill or commercial opportunities;

b) loss or corruption of any data, database or software;

c) any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage.

Country specific notices

The $ZRO Token is not a guarantee or a financial instrument within the meaning of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) of the European Parliament (2014/65/EU), securities or other laws of the member states. The $ZRO Token is not a guarantee of any kind and does not represent any right to vote, manage or share the profits of any entity. $ZRO Token does not represent the ownership of any physical asset and will not be refundable.

The $ZRO Token offer and sale have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or under the securities laws of certain states. The $ZRO Token may not be offered, sold or otherwise transferred, pledged or hypothecated except as permitted under the Act and applicable state securities laws according to an effective registration statement or an exemption from that place.

No SAFTs, placement document, prospectus, product disclosure statement or other disclosure document has been lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission concerning the offering. The SAFT and any documents used in connection in addition to that and any related documents do not constitute a prospectus, product disclosure statement, or other disclosure documents under the Corporations Act 2001. In Australia, somebody may only offer the $ZRO Token to "sophisticated investors" or "professional investors" or otherwise according to one or more exemptions contained in the Corporations Act so that it is lawful to offer the $ZRO Token in observance with applicable laws.

The rights to $ZRO Token are not being offered or sold and may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, within the People's Republic of China, except as expressly permitted by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic Of China.