We believe Carb0n.fi has a unique angle to solving the problem. Our vision works towards enabling crypto asset-holders from any chain to neutralise their carbon footprint and own carbon credits for trading, with the end goal of international trading across centralised exchanges. Our ecosystem map shows our competitive landscape and also what recent projects within the ecosystem raised as a benchmark.

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A few other companies with similar business models to ours were conceived relatively recently, which validates that now is the time to move.

Other similar projects

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Our solution is unique to the market

Some projects are raising funds to ensure future carbon capture (mostly through forestry projects) but none are really focusing on leveraging projects that immediately pull carbon from the atmosphere or prevent the release of carbon into the atmosphere. Our angle is much more tangible and focused on actual, realised carbon reduction. They are a one-to-one digital twin of a real world carbon credit, and they are not bundles of carbon offsets from different vintages and regions bundled into a fungible token. In addition, our solution is highly feasible and naturally set up for rapid growth and expansion: