Ever since scientists first noticed the hole in the ozone layer protecting the Earth from the sun in 1985, there have been increasing signs of global warming through melting sea ice, rising ocean temperatures, more extreme weather events and temperature changes - all collectively known as climate change.


We believe it is an unequivocal reality that global warming is happening; and we believe that it is inextricably linked to human activity since the mid-20th century. The Earth’s vital signs have been studied directly, leading scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to conclude that the planet’s climate is undergoing significant changes.

The current global warming trend is particularly alarming, because it is advancing at an unprecedented rate over millennia (it has been said that current warming is happening 10x faster than the average rate of ice-age recovery warming).

The heat-trapping nature of CO2 was discovered in the mid-19th century and consequently, the human-induced release of carbon dioxide (and other gases) into the atmosphere is understood as the leading reason for the Earth’s soaring temperature. Startlingly, carbon dioxide from human-activity is increasing more than 250 times faster than it did from natural causes over the last Ice Age.

2.1 Why now?

2.2 What are carbon credits?

2.3 Why should we care?