
Based on our survey of the carbon landscape and our thorough competitor analysis, we know that our team are uniquely placed to be solving this problem. We have the requisite combination of expertise and skills both within our core team as well as our advisors (commodity trading, blockchain marketing, blockchain development and tokenomics). More than this, we are all united by an invariable passion for building a more sustainable world.


Our defensibility goes even further than this. We are further mitigating risk by targeting carbon credit projects that are at reduced risk of being “unretired” due to geopolitical challenges. For instance, a forest that has been tokenised for potential sequestration can have a total amount of supply impacted if the land experiences a change of hands at the institutional level, or suffers an accidental forest fire. We are therefore targeting projects that are most closely aligned with the circular economy, such as plastic waste or food waste reduction (industrial food and plastic waste in Singapore go to conversion for powering our energy grid, and some projects produce secondary products from these resources). These tokens are therefore less likely to "unretire".

Over time, as we continue to scale and decentralise the platform for ecosystem growth, we will create a natural moat through network effects.


Environmental impact

We are acutely aware of the blockchain industry's reputation in recent years and are determined to not only address the negative impact of blockchain mechanisms, but also to transform the industry's reputation on a macro level. is one of the few existing applications of blockchain technology to support environmental causes. For the organizations we hope to work with, we are providing a win-win solution for them to offset emissions for protocols not focused on sustainability. Moreover, the protocols that are still on PoW are rapidly moving to PoS.


In terms of measuring our impact and growth, we will be using the main DeFi KPIs as well as some more customer-focused measurements such as:

Flow of capital

All of the rewards from the yield generated through the users’ assets will be dedicated to purchasing carbon credits. A smaller portion is paid for the registration and regular auditing process, carbon registry fees, and our own time and investment. All of these steps are crucial in ensuring the integrity of carbon credits and in helping the project owner access carbon finance. Furthermore, our team both develops and retails carbon credits. This means that most of our carbon credits are sourced directly from the project, rather than via brokers. This cuts out the middle-men so the maximum amount of investment goes directly into the project activities.

What about risk management**?**